Recharged and ready for more!

Well I’m back. I took a long vacation away from the blog to kind of breathe mentally. Now I can pay a little more attention to what’s happening in the world of music. I had a rather interesting conversation a couple of weeks ago with my cousin. He asked me if I had started to take on any new musical projects. Or, if I had started to practice playing trumpet again. The answer to both of his queries was no. But after we finished talking, I really gave our conversation a lot of thought. For the first time in a while I really wasn’t even thinking about new projects. I had no thought of going into a studio and/or producing any new music. For the first time since college I was thinking exclusively of publishing material about music and music education. Maybe that’s what I would end up doing all the time. Only time will tell if I get the itch to produce music again. I thought if one of my daughters showed interest in music that would prod me. But neither of them ever seriously wanted to sing or play musical instruments. So that led me to where I sit today. Writing this blog and preparing to write a book about my high school marching band. I’m recharged but only for publishing. For now!  

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