Native Son of New Orleans

Trombone Shorty New Orleans is a city unlike any other in the US. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that there is not another city like New Orleans in the world. With residents who understand and appreciate the historical value of everything from architecture to natural landscape and definitely the arts, New OrleansRead More

Forever Divine

Sarah Vaughan If you have children, there is no time like the early stages of life. I am speaking of children from the ages one to four years, who learn so much during that short period. Of course, they also do and say some of the most precious things and we all remember them fondlyRead More

A Quiet Place

Miranda Lambert As I sit writing this week’s post I am truly relishing my quiet surroundings. Most of us long for those moments when we can be alone and enjoy peace and quiet. My wife says that I enjoy alone time more than the average person, and I tend to agree. However, the normal personRead More

An Apple And A Doctor

Dr. Dre “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.  The well-known saying that has origins from 1800’s Wales remains one of the most recognizable proverbs of our day. The meaning is quite simple in that the good things we put into our bodies, like an apple, will prevent future illness and make a visitRead More